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Fitness Center in Paris

How to find a fitness center in Paris is useful to know since it’s good to stay trained even on holidays. If you are not an athlete, it’s a pity lose the result of all your efforts just because you are on holiday. Paris offers lots of ways to stay trained.


It is a nice way to live like a local too!

All you have to do is to put your gym wear in your suitcase and choose where to go to stay fit in Paris!


Traditional Gyms and Fitness Center in Paris

Here a list of some top fitness centers in Paris. Whether is your favorite type of sport, you will surely find the fitness center for you. Besides traditional and gyms, Paris offers special gyms for boxeurs, swimmers and spinners!



If you just want a functional space where you can train, Healtcity has 6 spots in the city so it’s a true reference for the fitness lover in Paris! Anyway, it is not so chic as other gyms in Paris but there are modern equipment and the spaces are very clean.

Healthcity Gym in Paris Addresses:

  • 71 Boulevard Saint Germain, arrondissement 5;
  •  76 Av. des Champs-Elysees, arrondissement 8;
  •  71 Avenue des Ternes, arrondissement 17;
  •  56 rue Jean de la Fontaine, arrondissement 16;
  •  62 Avenue de la Motte-Picquet, arrondissement 19;
  •  18 Rue de la Saussière, arrondissement 15;

Healthicy Paris Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday: from 8 am to 9 pm;
On Weekends: from 8 am to 5 pm.



This fitness center has a very traditional gym where you can find professionals at work. The rooms are very clean and wide and there is all the equipment you need. L’Usine clubs in Paris are three: one is in Opera; another is in Saint Lazare train station. The third is in Le Marais!


L’Usine Fitness Center in Paris, addresses:

  • 8 Rue de la Micodière, arrondissement 2;
  • 16-20 Rue Quincampoix, arrondissement 3;
  • 1 Rue d’Avron, arrondissement 11;

L’Usine Gym Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday: from 7 am to 11 pm;
On Weekends: from 9 am to 8 pm.



Club Med Gym CMG Sports Club

There are 21 Club Med Gym Club in Paris! You will surely find one of them close to your accommodation. In these clubs, you usually find all the basic equipment you need. The real plus is that you can also have racketball, squash courts and swimming pool!
Addresses: consult CBG official site.

Club Med Gym Sports Club Paris, Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday: from 7.30 am to 10 pm;
On Saturday: from 9 am to 5 pm;
On Sunday: closed.


MMA Factory

MMA Factory is the fitness center in Paris for those who love combat workouts. You can book classes or you can simply take advantage of a gym that is a reference for pros and amateurs.
Address: 91 Boulevard Poniatowski, arrondissement 12.

MMA Factory Opening hours
From 1.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
Closed on Sundays!


R2 gym Paris

R2 is the fitness center in Paris you can consider if you like original workouts! The ones you can do in R2 gym in Paris involve balls, pulls, contraptions and many different objects! Here you can take advantage of a free session too!

R2 Addresses:

  • 6 Rue Danou, arrondissement 10;
  • 30 Rue du Chemin Vert, arrondissement 12;

R2 Opening Hours:
R2 is open every day from 7 am to 10 pm.



Boxing Clubs in Paris

Temple Noble Art

This is not a fitness center nor a gym for everyone. The Temple noble art is the place designed for boxeurs in Paris. They also offer a very special experience: training with top athletes like Tom Firekid Duquesnoy from French MMA champion!

Temple Noble Art in Paris, addresses

  • 11 Rue Molière, arrondissement 3;
  •  66 Boulevard Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, arrondissement 17;
  •  138 Rue Amelot, arrondissement 3;

Temple Noble Art, Opening Hours
From Mondays to Fridays: from 7 am to 11 pm;
On Weekends: from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.



La Salle Boxing Club

Paris offers the chance to stay fit both going to a fitness center and boxing clubs. La Salle is one of the bests. It is in Batignolles (Arr. 17) and you can learn a lot about French, English and Thai ways to box. Also, they do cross fit, weight training, and MMA.
Address: 22 Rue de la Félicité, arrondissement 17.

La Salle Boxing Club, Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday: from 9 am to 9 pm;
On Tuesdays and Thursdays: from 9 am to 10 pm.


Crossfit Original Addicts, Paris

The name to note down if you love CrossFit is Crossfit Original Addicts, Paris. It is a space specifically designed to welcome and involve both newbies and pro in this type of workout and training. They also offer free sessions!
Address: 37 Rue Breguet, arrondissement 3;

Crossfit Original Addicts Opening Hours
From Mondays to Fridays: from 7 am to 10.30 pm;
On Saturdays: From 9.30 am to 3.30 pm;
On Sundays: from 10 am to 2.30 pm.


Kiwill, spinning in Paris

If you are into spinning, you can stop cycling while in Paris! If you don’t want to bike around Paris, go to Kiwill to stay trained. They just spin all day long! This is why it is the top spinning center in Paris
Address: 27 Rue du Grand Prieuré, arrondissement 3;
Opening Hours: Consult Kiwill official site.


Aqualoft Fitness Club, for watersports

This fitness club in Paris, Aqualoft, is the one to go if you love water sports! If you are in Paris in Summer, I suggest going to Paris plages along the canal de l’Oeurcq, where you can practice water-sports en Plein air. If you want to do something more serious, I recommend going to Aqualoft.
Address: 31-33 Rue le Marois.

Aqualoft Fitness Club opening hours
From Mondays to Thursdays: from 9 am to 9.30 pm;
On Fridays: from 9 am to 9 pm;
On Saturdays: from 9.30 am to 5 pm;
On Sundays: from 10 am to 2 pm.

  • HealthCity

    fitness center paris
  • L’Usine

    fitness center in Paris
  • CMG Paris

    cbg paris
  • MMA Factory

    mma factory
  • R2

    r2 paris
  • Temple Noble Art

    temple noble art
  • Kiwill

    Kiwill Paris