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Renting your property for short stays

short term rentals propertyAre you thinking about renting your property in Paris as short rentals accommodation? Here are some tips to understand if you are ready for taking this decision!


Renting a property for short stays

  • Evaluate the commitment
    Each guest must be welcomed. What makes the difference between a good stay and a perfect one is the ability of the owner to providing information and suggestions.
    It is necessary to be available in case of events you can’t predict. You also must take care of the cleaning services. After COVID-19 you must always be sure that everything is in its place to respect every rule.


  • Know what you offer
    If you would like to rent your apartment for short rentals, I suggest being sure that you can offer some comforts to your guest that are now basic. From the air conditioner to the boiler, including pots, dishes, and sheets. Everything must be functioning!


  • How to be online, and prices
    Once you decide to host travelers from all corners of the world, you need to pay attention to the way you show your property online. If you don’t want to subscribe to the main rental websites, I suggest let it managing to an agency. If you would like to know more, contact us!When you decide to rent your property as accommodation for short rentals, it is important to advertise your offer properly. First of all, you always need to update the calendar of reservations. Be sure that your guests understand when the accommodation is available. A good tip is to establish at the beginning of the year different prices based on seasonability. If you don’t know where to start, look for the rental prices of the accommodations in your neighborhoods.


  • Pay attention to the papers
    Renting a property requires some specific papers. You need to file the appropriate documents, and you must be always updated on tourism policies. Municipalities and Regions can apply specific regulations (for example, the tourist tax).


If you would like to rent your property for short rentals but you don’t have so much time to commit, contact us! We can manage your property.

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