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Category Archives: Paris with kids

Halloween 2020 at Disneyland Paris
Halloween 2020 at Disneyland...
Even if Halloween is not a European tradition, coming to Paris during the latest days of October does not mean you can’t celebrate it worthly! ...
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Best Books for Children and Kids about Paris, Cartoons and Toys
Best Books for Children and ...
If you are coming to Paris with your family or with kids and children, I suggest preparing them with books, and cartoons Paris-themed! Since there ...
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Theme parks in Paris, updated list and 2020 events
Theme parks in Paris, update...
Why look for the park that is the best of the theme parks in Paris? Maybe, because it is a unique experience you can do ...
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Top 10 things to do in Paris with kids
Top 10 things to do in Paris...
Going to Paris with kids might be a stressful experience if you don’t plan what to do. That is because I love to propose special ...
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3 days in Paris for kids, a program
3 days in Paris for kids, a ...
3 days in Paris for kids might be a tiring experience. But only if you go there unprepared! That is why I love to propose ...
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Paris with kids 2 days program
Paris with kids 2 days progr...
Paris with kids, 2 days program. Are you planning to visit Paris with kids in 2 days? Here’s a program you can use. People are ...
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Paris with kids tips
Paris with kids tips
Paris with kids tips is good to know for many reasons. You might be in Paris with kids because you are in the city with ...
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Paris with kids 1-day program
Paris with kids 1-day progra...
Here is my Paris with kids 1-day program for free! Many families come to Paris with kids. It is one of the most beautiful cities in ...
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Parc de la Villette, activities and info
Parc de la Villette, activit...
Parc de la Villette is one of the best parks in Paris to visit. That is because it is fascinating both for adults and kids! ...
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