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Exhibitions in Paris, August 2021

Paris is known all over the world for hosting artworks and masterpieces. Find out which are the unmissable exhibitions in August 2021!


Exhibitions to see in August 2021

  • Michael Schmidt, Une autre photographie allemande
    At the Jeu de Paume museum, in the Tuileries, there is an exhibition dedicated to Michael Schmidt. It is an event on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the birth of this artist who is considered a pillar of the German art of the last century. Until August 29, you can admire original photographs, prints, book designs, and other archival materials.


  • Modernités Suisses
    If you would like to join a path about Suisse art, you must be headed to the Musée d’Orsay! Modernités Suisses (1890-1914) is an exhibition dedicated to 70 masterpieces from Swiss public and private collections. The exhibition will last until July 25, and it is the possibility to see artworks previously unknown in France.


  • Marc Riboud, Histoires possibles
    Since his adolescence, Marc Riboud has always been silent, observing. First in his hometown Lyon, and then in Europe, he was interested in the tormented man of the 20th century. The Musée Guimet is dedicating an extensive retrospective to Marc Riboud! You have this opportunity until September 6.


  • Peintres femmes, 1780-1830
    According to common sense, after the glory of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun, linked to the Ancien Régime, we must wait until the second half of the 19th century to find equally remarkable women painters. And yet, it was precisely between 1780 and 1830 that the struggle of these women painters took hold: the right to training, professionalization, a public existence, and a place in the art market. If you want to know more, you can go to the Musée du Luxembourg. You’ll find an exhibition dedicated to these women artists, protagonists of the social and artistic changes of the 19th century.

