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Which areas in Paris to avoid

to avoid in parisAs for every other city in the world, there are no specific areas in Paris to avoid. But, as for every other city in the world, there are some districts that it’s better to avoid at certain hours of the day.


Here is where you shouldn’t risk being in Paris at night – useful information to consider when choosing a short rental accommodation in Paris. Would you like to know more about short rentals in Paris? Check our accommodation section.


Georges-Pompidou-ParisAreas in Paris to avoid

Here is which are the areas to avoid at night in Paris.


  • Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est, arrondissement 10.
    The streets that are close to the stations that connect Paris with the suburbs are crowded with people from the suburbs that are not always good to meet. Plus, the area is definitely not of tourist interest. Anyway, it may be the are to look for if you are on a budget. There are many hotels with slightly lower prices than average. Choose them carefully by reading the reviews!!!


  • Montmartre hill, arrondissement 18
    The area from rue Caulaincourt to the Peripherique boulevard is uninteresting, a tourist has no reason to go there!


  • Les Halles and Pompidou, arrondissement 1
    You can never say which kind of people crowd this area at night. Les Halles is close to the largest underground station in Europe, where you can also find a Police station. During the day the area is full of people, but in the evening the streets are empty and the atmosphere changes.


  • The Bois de Boulogne
    Why would you ever be in the Bois de Boulogne at night? If you go there to spend a day in nature, don’t forget to get out in the late afternoon. The later you are, the better is to take a cab to come back to the center of Paris.