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3 Attractions for Young People in Paris

young parisToday I want to suggest to you 3 attractions perfect for young people in Paris.

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it fascinates people of all ages. Did you know that Paris is also one of the cities that it’s better to visit before 26? Most of the attractions in Paris are free for people under 26. It is the occasion of life since you can visit attractions and museums without spending a euro!


Plus, there are many attractions and places that amaze especially young people. Here are the ones you can’t miss!


louvre puns factsAttractions for young people in Paris

Here are 3 places I always suggest to go to young people in Paris.

  • Louvre Museum
    The Louvre Museum is an essential stop in Paris. It is THE museum par excellence and it houses historical artworks of immeasurable value. Get ready to visit it far and wide and get lost in the immense halls!


  • Georges Pompidou Center
    Even if the Georges Pompidou Center is known all over the world for housing exceptional contemporary art exhibitions, it is way more than that! The Georges Pompidou is a cultural center.
    It has been designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano who thought a structure made to display the works by the greatest artists of contemporary art such as Matisse, Picasso, Kandinsky, Chagall, De Chirico, Miro, Duchamp, Warhol…
    One more plus is the view from the terrace on the top floor from which you can admire the whole city.


  • Guimet Oriental Arts Museum
    At the Guimet Museum in Paris, you’ll get in touch with the art of more than 17 oriental countries including China, Japan, India, Cambodia. The exhibits are organized according to the area and the chronological order. This is another place from where you can get one of the best panoramic views of Paris.

