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Download this app before coming to Paris

app paris downloadWould you like to have the possibility to move confidently around Paris? You can do it by downloading the proper app on your smartphone. Here are the apps to download before coming to Paris.



App to download in Paris

Here are which apps I suggest downloading before coming to Paris.


app paris

  • Moovit
    Moovit is one of the best-known apps for public transport. Download it and you will never get lost again! Whatever your transport is, this app informs you in real-time about where your bus, metro, RER (train) is located. Also, Moovit will notify you shortly before arriving at your stop. What’s more? If you would like to know what is the best way to get to a place in the shortest time possible, this appl will answer you shortly!


  • SNCF
    The SNCF (National Society of French Railways) app is a must-have. Traffic information is transmitted in real-time. You can then consult train departures or find the proper route to follow immediately. You can also search for an itinerary for a specific date. A real plus of this app is its customization. For example, once you have selected a station, you can decide which subway lines to display and choose the trains based on the stop you are interested in on this line.


  • Citymapper
    This app works for journeys in and around Paris. You can read info about all transport: trains, subways, buses, bicycles, taxis, Uber, walking paths. You can compare the different routes while being updated on the travel information in real-time. You will also be informed of any interruptions and alternative itineraries. CityMapper also provides info about the proper exit to take to make your journey easier. The subway map is also available in offline mode! The advantage of CityMapper is that you can use it in other cities as well such as London, New York, Los Angeles…