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Quotes and puns for Instagram captions about Paris in Fall

Finding original ideas to write captions for Instagram is getting harder? Here are some ideas to use for captions about Paris in Fall 2020.


Quotes about Paris in Fall

Even if I think that puns are the best for Instagram captions, I have collected 3 quotes about Paris in Fall. Sometimes, there is a need for more than just a few words to express a peculiar feeling for a place. Since the quotes are brief and not very complex, I have decided to include the French version with a translation. The original ones sound so good!



J’aime l’automne, cette triste saison va bien aux souvenirs. Quand les arbres n’ont plus de feuilles, quand le ciel conserve encore au crépuscule la teinte rousse qui dore l’herbe fanée, il est doux de regarder s’éteindre tout ce qui naguère brûlait encore en vous.


I love fall, this sad season is good for memories. When the trees have no more leaves, when the sky still retains in the twilight the reddish hue that gilds the withered grass, it is sweet to watch all that once burned within you dying out.

(Gustave Flaubert)



Marcher dans une forêt entre deux haies de fougères transfigurées par l’automne, c’est cela un triomphe. Que sont à côté suffrages et ovations?


Walking in a forest between two hedges of ferns transfigured by autumn is a triumph. What next to votes and ovations?

(Emil Michel Cioran)



L’automne est un deuxième ressort où chaque feuille est une fleur.


Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower

(Albert Camus)



Puns about Fall

If you are looking for ideas to write a good caption for Instagram about Fall, here are some of my favorites! I think that a goof pun must be short and intuitive.


  • Unbe-LEAF-able!
  • Fall, my second favorite “F” word.
  • Leaves are falling, autumn is calling.
  • Fall, the perfect time of year to spice things up.
  • I’m fALL IN!