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What to do in Paris in October 2019

If you come to Paris in October 2019, you will have the chance to join some of the best events of the year!


Autumn in Paris is magic!


Events in Paris in October 2019

If you come to Paris for a weekend in October 2019 you can take a look at my Paris in 2 days program. Also, it is the last month you have to join a unique experience at the Chateau de Versailles. During the visit of October 2019, there will be many concerts in that splendid location. If you are in Paris in October 2019, you can do it during the White Night of October in Paris. It will happen on 5 October 2019.

This October, Paris is once again a scenario of one of the most exciting horse competitions. On 6 October 2019, the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe will be one of the most attended events. It will take place at the Hippodrome de Longchamp, in Bois de Boulogne.

If you are into vintage cars, Paris is the perfect place to be, since Parisian designers worked a lot in the car field too. October the 12th and the 13th will be dedicated to the Vintage Car Parade. You can spot them near Ecole Militaire, Trocadéro and close to the Arc de Triomphe!

Another great occasion you have is the FIAC, International Contemporary Art Fair in Paris in October 2019. It is a seasonal exhibition that is held in the Grand Palais. It is one of the most important buildings and landmarks in Paris. You will see paintings from 24 countries! The FIAC will be from the 17th to the 20th.

At the end of the month, there is an event to go to Paris for all chocolate lovers. From the 30th of October to the 3rd of November, the Salon du Chocolat is open to people of all ages to join workshops and tasting sessions!
