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Xmas is here! Events in Paris, November 2022

merry xmasAre you coming to Paris in November? Be prepared to already breathe the Xmas atmosphere.

Even in if there is more than a month to Xmas, Parisians can’t wait to prepare for the most magical night of the year.

Xmas events in Paris, November 2022

Among the most important events during Christmas time in Paris, there surely is the installation of the Grand Roue, the huge Ferris wheel that every year is fundamental for the Parisian Christmas. Since 2019, the Grande Roue has been moved from Place de la Concorde to the Tuileries gardens.

Christmas shopping with an unmissable visit to the Christmas windows of the department stores that offer a magical show that enchants children and adults.

The lighting of the Galeries Lafayette Christmas tree will be on November 16, 2022.
On Boulevard Haussmann the whimsical decorations of the Galeries Lafayette offer a unique spectacle not to be missed starting in mid-November 2022. Plus, there will be a space dedicated to the ritual photos in the company of Santa Claus.

From November 20, 2022, to January 2, 2023, there will be another iconic event for Parisians at Xmas. It is the switching on of the lights along the most famous street in the world. As usual, the lights on the Champs-Élysées are switched on from mid-November. The Christmas lights will be on until January 2nd. Lights are usually on from 5 pm to 11.45 pm, and throughout the night for December 24th and 31st.

xmas paris december market marketsChristmas markets in Paris

Paris is preparing for the Christmas holidays as early as the middle of November by opening Christmas markets. For over a month Paris will host chalets, handicrafts, food, and Christmas decorations. A special stop to choose unique souvenirs and to fully breathe the atmosphere of Christmas in Paris!

Read more about Shopping in Paris: markets, boutiques, and kiosks

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