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Hotel or apartment? What to choose

luxury apartmentWhen planning a trip, do you prefer to stay in a hotel or apartment? Both solutions have pros and cons. It all depends on your travel needs and on the moment of your life.

Traveling as a young couple is very different than traveling with children or with your friends!

Here are some pros and cons to evaluate before booking your accommodation in Paris.


Hotel or apartment?

The choice between the hotel and short rents apartment is completely personal and depends on a series of necessary features that you look for in your accommodation. Here are some:

  • Possibility of kitchenette or access to a restaurant
  • Size of apartment or of the room
  • Location of the hotel or of the apartment, and the distance from the attractions and from transports
  • Facilities for children (cots, kettles, etc…)
  • Cost per night
  • Parking


Why choose a hotel?

The hotel is definitely the choice to make if you want to relax 24/7. You will not have to worry about anything, usually not even about arrival times!

Advantages of the hotel

  • Reception 24/7
  • Daily cleaning of the room
  • The total break with one’s routine that gives you the actual feeling of “being on vacation”


Disadvantages of the hotel

  • The rooms are usually smaller than an apartment
  • You can’t prepare meals independently


Why choose an apartment?

Choosing a short rentals apartment in Paris will give you greater flexibility in organizing one’s meals, and it will make you save a to.
Plus, Parisian apartments are real architectural jewels located in the heart of the historic centers of the city.

Advantages of the apartment

  • There is a kitchenette or a fully equipped kitchen
  • You have more space and it is usually organized in separate rooms


Disadvantages of the apartment

  • No daily cleaning
  • No reception
Category: Accommodation