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Free admission events in Paris, March 2023

paris for freeAre you coming to Paris in March 2023? Here are 3 unmissable events you can access for free!


In Paris, you are always spoilt for choices about what to do. The city hosts always lots of events. That is why we propose a selection of 3 unmissable events that will take place in March. And you can take part in such events without spending a euro!


3 events in Paris in March 2023 with free admission

Here are 3 events you can access for free in Paris in March 2023.


  • first sunday ot the monthLes dimanches musicaux de la Madeleine
    Those who love classical music absolutely cannot miss the concerts of the “Les Dimanches Musicaux de La Madeleine” series. They will take place on the following days in 2023: 12 and 26 March, 2 and 16 April, and 7 May. Admission is free.


  • Carnaval de Femmes
    March 19, 2023
    The Carnaval des Femmes is also known as the “Fête des Blanchisseuses”, or the Feast of the Washerwomen because they were the ones that used to organize this parade. Women are proclaimed queens and celebrate in the street while men have to dress up as women to be admitted to the party. The parade departs around 3 pm from Place du Châtelet and continues on Boulevard de Sébastopol, Rue Saint-Martin, and Rue de Rivoli, before returning to its starting point. Anyone can participate! Admission is free.


  • Circulation(S), Festival de la Jeune Photographie in Europe
    from 25 March to 21 May 2023
    For photography enthusiasts, the 13th edition of Circulation(s) is the perfect event to go to. It is the festival of young European photographers. The rich and innovative program, which questions the boundaries between photography and contemporary art, includes events (portfolio readings, meetings with artists, etc.). The festival is held at the Centqatre-Paris cultural center.


Read more about what to do in Paris for free. 14 museums in Paris that are free
