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Midnight in Paris filming places in Paris

midnight in paris filming placesHere is a list of the filming places of Midnight in Paris (2011, Woody Allen) in the center of the city.

Midnight in Paris is one of my favorite movies about Paris. It is a declaration of love by the American director Woody Allen to the city!


Midnight in Paris filming places

  • The stairs of the Church Saint Étienne du Mont (rue Saint Vincent in Montmartre)
    The stairs of the Church Saint Étienne du Mont is where Gil gets on the car that takes him back in time to the 1920s. This church is in the Latin Quarter, behind the Panthéon which is the mausoleum dedicated to great men and women who have marked the history of France.


  • Square Jean-XXIII
    This square, close to the Notre-Dame cathedral, is on the Ile de la Cité. It is a small island in the heart of Paris, connected to the city by bridges. In the film, it’s here that Gils meet the tour guide played by Carla Bruni.


  • Orangerie
    The Orangerie Museum is famous because of the magnificent waterlilies by Monet. It’s here that you can admire the artworks inspired by the magnificent garden in Giverny, a bucolic town where the painter lived.
    In Midnight in Paris, the main character Gil and his girlfriend Inez visit this museum with a couple of friends. The film captures the oval room, created specifically for the Waterlilies, and the corridors of the museum where the writer recognizes a special Picasso.
    You can visit this museum by going to the Tuileries Garden.


  • Rodin Museum
    The museum dedicated to Rodin is at 77 Rue de Varenne (arrondissement 17). The entire museum is dedicated to sculptor Auguste Rodin, who also lived here from 1911 to 1917.
    Two years after the death of Rodin, the Museum was established inside its home, also known as Hotel Biron. In Midnight in Paris, Gil and Inez find themselves here during one of their tours to get to know Paris.


Read more about museums in Paris!
