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Selected location for a Paris photoshoot

Whether you are coming to spend a week in Paris with your friends, or for a romantic weekend, here is some piece of advice about the locations for the perfect Paris photoshoot.

Make your pictures unique even in the world-known locations!


Paris photoshoot locations

Here are some suggestions to compose the perfect Paris photoshoot.


  • The Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is probably the most important symbol of Paris. That is why you must include at least a picture with the Eiffel Tower in the background in your Paris photoshoot. I suggest going to Trocadéro metro station, to be sure to be in the right spot. Also, Champs de Mars is so close that you can take many other beautiful shots along that Avenue!


  • Bir Hakeim Bridge
    This bridge is one of the most famous in Paris. Also, it is important in the history of cinema too, since it is the bridge used as a scenario for some parts of the movie Inception by Christopher Nolan.


  • Tuileries Garden
    The Tuileries Garden is the perfect setting for many types of Paris photoshoot. If you are looking for a romantic setting, Tuileries Garden is the answer. Also, since a part of the park is a luna park, you can take the best pictures with your friends too!


  • Moulin Rouge
    Even if way less monumental, the Moulin Rouge is a symbol of Paris as well! Go to Pigalle metro station to be sure to arrive where you need to. The Moulin Rouge sign may be the perfect background for a hen party photoshoot!


  • The Seine River
    I always recommend taking a cruise on the Seine river to cross Paris from its very center. Making part of your Paris photoshoot in the proximities of the Seine or during a cruise on the Seine will give you a more authentic touch to your photos.