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Arrondissement 11, history and night-life

The Arrondissement 11 of Paris is the one where you have to go when you want to know everything about France’s independence. Besides, it is perfect if you are looking for a Parisian night-life!

Arrondissement 11 is famous for its cafés, concert houses and music hall. When you go there you can choose between Nouveau Casino, Café de la Dance, Espace Christan Dente, Zébre de Belleville, the Reservoir, the Pop-in, the Bataclan and much more. Everyone has its peculiarity and in everyone, you can see a very different show.

The eleventh arrondissement of Paris is not only about entertainment. Here, you can find lots of historic architectures and important streets where you can take a walk.

One of these is rue Oberkampf!


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Arrondissement 11, history and literature characters

When you go to arrondissement 11 you can see the Colonne de Juillet if you go to Bastille. There, there is the 52 meters tall monument to the victims of the revolution. It is one of the most loved places in Paris from the Parisians. In Bastille, you can also see the Opera, a majestic building that celebrates the revolution.

In Bastille, there aren’t only monuments about revolution. There you can visit the house of Victor Hugo, one of the most important literature characters! If you would like to know more about the personalities that lived this district, just go in Rue la Roquette and Rue de Lappe and breathe the very peculiar atmosphere of these streets. You will find out why this was one of the most loved areas for the most sensitive people.

If you love entertainment history, go to the Cirque d’Hiver! It is at 110 rue Amelot, between rue des Filles Calvaires and rue Amelot. It is one of the main circus and dressage places. Plus, it was a concert house too. Today you can still see lots of shows!


About Arrondissement 11

The arrondissement 11 of Paris is one of the most central areas of the city located on the rive droite (i.e. right bank or right side) of the Seine. It is a very large area that includes 4 different districts: the Folie-Méricourt, the Saint-Ambroise, the Roquette and the Sainte-Marguerite district. The main streets are Place de la Bastille, Place de la République and Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine.

This arrondissement can be reached from the city center via Pont de Sully, which crosses both sides of the Seine through the Ile Saint-Louis. The main metro lines that link most of the arrondissement 11 places are the 5, 8 and 9 ones.

In the arrondissement 11 live more than 149 102 people. In addition to being very populated, the neighborhood is rich in places to enjoy the nightlife as concert-cafés, music halls and places that host pop and rock concerts. The most famous are the Bataclan, the Nouveau Casino, the Café de la Danse, La Scène Bastille, Le Réservoir, Le Cirque d’Hiver, Le Pop In and the Balaji, which is also famous for being inaugurated in 1935 by Mistinguett, a famous French actress and singer.

Among all the landmarks of the arrondissement 11 stand out the Place da la République, located on the line in common with the arrondissement 3, and the Cirque d’Hiver. Le Cirque d’Hiver is a monument dating back to 1852 that has always been a venue for shows such as circus ones, dressage, concerts, and other artistic events. Today it is considered a set that is also suitable for the most exclusive fashion shows.

Most of the historical monuments to visit in this arrondissement are churches. The most important is the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the Church of Saint-Ambroise, that of Saint-Joseph-des-Nations and the Church of Sainte-Marguerite. The first three are the main ones of each district and although each has its own peculiarity they are all Gothic style. The church of Sainte-Marguerite stands out for its simple style that recalls classic, almost primordial architectural style.


Arrondissement 11, districts, main streets, and metro stations

The districts of arrondissement 11 are Quartier de la Folie-Méricourt, Saint-Ambroise, la Roquette, Sainte-Marguerite. I truly recommend going to Place de la Bastille, Place de la République and rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine. As you can read above, I also recommend going to rue Oberkampf, where you can meet lots of students and young people.

Arrondissement 11 metro stations are referred to as characters of the intellectual Parisian life. Alexandre Dumas, Voltaire, Père Lachaise, Philippe Auguste. Then there are Avron, Bastille, Belleville, Bréguet – Sabin, Charonne, Chemin Vert, Couronnes. You can also get off at Faidherbe – Chaligny, Filles du Calvaire, Goncourt, Ledru – Rollin. Others are Ménilmontant, Nation, Oberkampf, Parmentier. Plus, there are République, Richar – Lenoir, Rue des Boulets, Rue Saint – Maur. Maybe some useful metro stations are also Saint-Ambroise and Saint Sébastien – Froissart.

arrondissement 11

Category: Arrondissements